Second annual meeting of the GDR SoPhy

The meeting will take place at the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois from May 21st (Tuesday) to May 24th (Friday).

This year, two invited speakers will discuss their research field, and two invited lecturers will deliver 1h30 introductory lectures on shaping routes for porous materials and synchrotron X-ray micro- and nano-analysis.

Invited speakers:

  • Wiebke Drenckhan, Institut Charles Sadron et CNRS Univ. Strasbourg: “Elucidating the effect of fluorocarbons in reducing the pore size of polyurethane foams”
  • Marie Albéric, Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris: “From amorphous calcium carbonate precursors to mineralized biological materials: the case study of sea urchin biominerals”

Invited lecturers:

  • Cédric Boissière, Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris: “Shaping porous materials”
  • Julie Villanova, ESRF: “Synchrotron X-ray micro- and nano-analysis”

All the informations are available on the website of the meeting here