First annual meeting of the GDR SoPhy

The very first annual meeting of the GDR SoPhy will take place at ENS de Lyon from June 5th (Monday) to June 7th (Wednesday).

Among the topics relevant to the GDR SoPhy, we will address the following ones:

  • Synthesis and characterization of elementary building blocks for the synthesis of soft solids serving as precursors
  • Control of the organization processes of the elementary building blocks and/or self-assembly
  • Use of external fields to texture soft solids - memory effects
  • Transformation of a soft solid into a hard material: analysis of the properties inherited from the soft precursor

Invited speakers:

  • Annie Colin, ESPCI: “Fluidification de suspensions non-browniennes: rôle de la formulation et rôle des ultrasons”
  • Laurence Rozes, LCMCP: “Design or organic-inorganic networks from nano building units: the “hybrid” effect on dynamic properties of polymers”
  • Franck Artzner, Institut de Physique de Rennes: “Control of the Hierarchical organization processes between complementary building blocks by irreversible Self-Assembly: a few examples of local and macroscopic rules”
  • Damien Montarnal, CP2M: “Sol-gel synthesis of vitrimers with high glass transition temperatures”
  • Sophie Senani, SAFRAN Tech: “From Soft matter to hard materials: Applications and Stakes of this transformation for Aeronautical Materials”

All the informations are available on the website of the meeting here